Monday, April 18, 2011

To Carry or Not to Carry Critique

Politics Are Bigger in Texas blog has a post titled To Carry or Not to Carry written by saphia alami. This post shows the two apposing views on if concealed handguns should be allowed on college campuses. The first view is that people should be allowed to carry concealed handgun on college campuses for self protection. The opposing view argues that concealed handguns should not be allowed because it would promote violence on college campuses and could lead to shootings. To carry or Not to Carry efficiently shows the writers personal feelings on the issue and how both views on the issue have valid points. Concealed handguns on college campuses could work if colleges were to closely regulate who is qualified to carry a concealed weapon. If someone decided to start shooting people at a  college campus they would not hesitate because they do not have permission to carry the weapon on the campus.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Texas Legislature in Need of Change

Texas is one of the few states still using the bicameral legislative session. This current Texas legislature is based on the needs of Texas when the presently enforced Constitution was written. The Texas legislature is only in session every odd numbered year for 140 days. Even though special sessions are limitless in the Texas legislature it would be more efficient to give Texas a full time legislature.  This would help with planning things such as the state’s budget since the legislature would no longer have to plan out a budget two years at a time giving the state a more relevant budget.
Currently Texas legislatures are some of the lowest paid legislatures in the country earning a meager $17,920 a year for a regular session. For a group of people that are planning out the future of our state and making important decisions on the future of our state this amount of compensation is ridiculously low. And if the legislature session would be extended to a full time legislative session a increase in legislatures compensation would be even more necessary. Also if the compensation was raised it would bring in better qualified candidates for representatives of the legislature.
The Texas Constitution should be amended so that the legislative is better equipped for the states needs today rather than the needs of when the Constitution was written. The legislative sessions should be lengthened to year round sessions. Also the legislatures should be better compensated to match the amount and importance of work they put in.